The absolute favorite storybook I read had to be Oscar Wilde's Tales. The title of the storybook immediately caught my attention since my favorite book, The Picture of Dorian Gray, is written by Oscar Wilde. Although I am primarily familiar with Oscar Wilde's one and only novel, I have some acquaintance with his short stories as well. The introduction is written as though Oscar Wilde is speaking directly to the reader, which I found both interesting and entertaining. The introduction does a good job at explaining Oscar's history as well as intriguing the listener into what will come next. In general I thought the design of the storybook was easy to follow and utilized links that were helpful.
(Oscar Wilde. Web source: Wikipedia)
Another one of my favorite books is Alice in Wonderland, and because of this I was immediately interested in storybook titled Lost in Wonderland. The format of the introduction was in the style of an old fairy-tale book which I thought was very clever and fascinating. My favorite part of this story book was the style in which the introduction was written. It was from the perspective of the White Rabbit and was written in the very way he is portrayed in the novel and movies, which I thoroughly respect.
(White Rabbit. Web Source: Alice In Wonderland Art)
Finally, my third favorite storybook was Tales of Grimm. The title interested me because, you guessed it, I have previously enjoyed reading Grimm's Fairy tales. The introduction did a good job at explaining the topic and out of the three I chose this story book did the best at prompting me to read the stories. The introduction was written in the perspective of the innkeeper, who would be the one telling the stories. The overall design was not as interesting as the previous storybooks but the writing definitely made up for that.
(Storybook Inn. Web Source: Houzz)
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